#Ep27_Motherhood Penalty – Podshort #3
- 1#Ep27_Motherhood Penalty - Podshort #3
- 2#Ep26 - Motherhood Penalty - Podshort #2
- 3#Ep25 - Motherhood Penalty PodShort #1
- 4#Teaser Motherhood Penalty - Different Strokes
- 5#Ep24 - Different Strokes - Onward with Bravery & Bianca
- 6#Ep24 Different Strokes - Onward with Bravery & Bianca
- 7#Ep23_Different Strokes_It Takes 4 to Tango!
- 8#EP22_Different Strokes_Children and Summer Vacations
- 9S3Ep4_Different Strokes_Adolescent Mental Health
- 10#EP21_Different Strokes_Adolescent Mental Health
- 11S3EP3_Different Strokes_Single Parent
- 12S3EP3_Different Strokes_Single Parenting
- 13#EP20_Different Strokes_Single Parenting
- 14S3EP2_Different Strokes_Twinning
- 15#EP19_Different Strokes_Twinning
- 16S3EP1_DifferentStrokes_RisingFromtheAshes
- 17S3EP1_Different Strokes_Rising From the Ashes
- 18#EP18_Different Strokes_Rising From the Ashes
- 19S2Ep8_Different Strokes_Processing Grief
- 20#EP17_Different Strokes_Processing Grief
- 21S2Ep8_DifferentStrokes_Covid&MentalHealth
- 22S2Ep8_DifferentStrokes_ProcessingGrief
- 23S2EP7_Different Strokes_Divorce
- 24#EP16_Different Strokes_Divorce
- 25S2EP7_DifferentStrokes_Divorce
- 26The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Rajshri
- 27The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Alina Alam
- 28The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Anita Gaule
- 29Children and Mental Health - A Parallel Pandemic
- 30The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Srinivas
- 31The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Disha
- 32S2Ep6_Different Strokes_PTSD
- 33#EP15_Different Strokes_PTSD
- 34S2Ep6_DifferentStrokes_PTSD
- 35S2Ep5_Different Strokes_Womanhood
- 36#EP14_Different Strokes_Womanhood
- 37S2Ep5_DifferentStrokes_Womanhood
- 38S2EP4_Different Strokes_Rare Disease
- 39#EP13_Different Strokes_Rare Disease
- 40S2EP4_DifferentStrokes_RareDisease
- 41S2Ep3_Different Strokes_Beauty
- 42#EP12_Different Strokes_Beauty
- 43S2Ep3_DifferentStrokes_Beauty
- 44S2EP2_Different Strokes_Sexual Abuse
- 45#EP11_Different Strokes_Sexual Abuse
- 46S2EP2_Different Strokes_SexualAbuse
- 47S2EP1_Different Strokes_Living With Quadriplegia
- 48#EP10_Different Strokes_Living With Quadriplegia
- 49S2EP1_Different Strokes_LivingWithQuadriplegia
- 50S1EP9_Different Strokes_Beating Cancer
- 51#EP9_Different Strokes_Beating Cancer
- 52EP9_DifferentStrokes_BeatingCancer
- 53S1EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
- 54#EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
- 55EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
- 56S1EP7_Different Strokes_Battling Cancer
- 57#EP7_Different Strokes_Battling Cancer
- 58EP7_DifferentStrokes_BattlingCancer
- 59S1EP6_Different Strokes_Disability
- 60#EP6_Different Strokes_Disability
- 61EP6_DifferentStrokes_Disability
- 62S1EP5_Different Strokes_Extreme Body Transformation
- 63#EP5_Different Strokes_Extreme Body Transformation
- 64EP5_DifferentStrokes_ExtremeBodyTransformation
- 65S1EP4_Different Strokes_Mental Health
- 66#EP4_Different Strokes_Mental Health
- 67EP4_DifferentStrokes_MentalHealth
- 68S1EP3_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
- 69#EP3_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
- 70EP3_DifferentStrokes_PersonalLoss
- 71S1EP3 Teaser_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
- 72#EP3 _Different Strokes_Personal Loss (Teaser)
- 73EP3 Teaser_DifferentStrokes_PersonalLoss
- 74S1EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
- 75#EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
- 76EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
- 77S1EP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
- 78#EP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
- 79EP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
- 80S1EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
- 81#EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
- 82EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
- 83S1EP1_Teaser_Different Strokes_Body Shaming
- 84#EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming (Teaser)
- 85EP1_Teaser_Different Strokes_BodyShaming
#Ep27_Motherhood Penalty - Podshort #3
In the third Podshort, I speak with Sesha Bansal, who candidly shares her experience facing the motherhood penalty not once, but twice. She opens up about the challenges that led her to switch to independent work.